
Friday, November 30, 2012

"More trusted Catholic news sources aside; your most trusted Catholic news source."

So I found this hilarious website the other day.

Its called "Eye of the Tiber" and its slogan is "Breaking Catholic news so you don't have to." That alone I cracks me up. It is basically a parody of a real news site and "reports" satirical Catholic news.

It is one of those things that makes you laugh but take a deeper look, for the most part. Kind of like "Stuff Christians Like" by Jon Acuff, maybe if your lucky Ill post some "Stuff Catholics Like" except their not as funny.

So let me start you off easy with this one:
University Of Steubenville Quarterback Exclusively Throwing “Hail Marys”
Its funny because they dont have a football team.

This one:
Liberal Catholic University To Replace Church With Massive Cafeteria
Nice little zinger.

And because we are a college campus ministry I think this fits well:
USCCB To Publish Compendium Of The Compendium Of The Catechism For College Students
Uh, even that might not be read...

Now obviously this guy has his opinions, some funnier than others, not always politically correct but HEY its America!

Speaking of America here he reports that Biden and Ryan End Debate With Recitation Of Rosary

Sorry for so many links but this is gold. I think you are really going to enjoy some of these Fr. Joe.

Oh and yesterdays post:
Man Spends All Mass Angry At Jesus–His Gardener
BOOM! Metaphor.

Ok but for real sorry for the overload, they are all short but I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Your prayers as I and the rest of us Ole Miss students start finals week would be greatly appreciated, especially for those souls that have to take 5...

"This guy"