Hey, Isaac, make me a hurricane. Hahaha..umm. |
I'm not sure how ferocious Isaac is going to be but as with any natural disaster, it couldn't fall on a more inconvenient time. I'm scheduled for a silent 3 day retreat down in south Louisiana. Turns out Isaac may be there, too!
Sigh. I had planned on a retreat in '05 right when Katrina hit as well. Seems hurricanes like Mondays.
One of the beautiful things about our faith is that we still have some primal sense of awe for nature. Our Catholic canon includes prayers addressed to God to help is in times of natural disaster. We even have a prayer for storms.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, to drive far from Thy dwelling place every spirit of wickedness, and to keep us from being harmed by the fury of wind and storm.
Almighty and everlasting God, Who chastising dost preserve us; grant unto Thy suppliants the comfort of the quiet times for which we look, and teach us ever to make right use of the good gifts Thy loving kindness vouchsafes to us. Amen. (Roman Missal)
Some saints also have made their own prayers for storm protection. St. Maximilian Kolbe has this one:
Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. † God became man, † and the Word was made flesh. † Christ was born of a Virgin. † Christ suffered. † Christ was crucified. † Christ died. † Christ rose from the dead. † Christ ascended into Heaven. † Christ conquers. † Christ reigns. † Christ orders. † May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning † Christ went through their midst in Peace, † and the word was made flesh. † Christ is with us with Mary. † Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Judah, the Root David, has won.
† Holy God! † Holy Powerful God! † Holy Immortal God! † Have mercy on us. Amen!
And there's a healthy list of saints who are patrons (patronesses) against storms!
St Erasmus (Elmo): Not a tickle me, obviously |
- Agrippina of Rome
- Barbara
- Catald of Taranto
- Christopher
- Erasmus
- Florian of Lorch
- Gratus of Aosta
- Henry of Upsalla
- Hermengild
- Jodocus
- Our Lady of Zapopan
- Scholastica
- Thomas Aquinas
- Tiburtius
- Urban of Langres
- Valerian
- Vitus
- Walburga
So, PLEASE, use whatever resources you can to pray for protection and safety. Storms are bad news for everyone. And, to be selfish, I reallllllllllly need to go on retreat. Like. Really.
Or if I don't, there may be need for "Prayers Against Grumpy and Inappropriately Behaving Old Priests".
Pray, y'all.