
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Good Cheer TONIGHT! Catholicism for...PRESBYTERIANS!

This do....
Tonight, the fourth in the series on talks for non-Catholics by Catholics at Good Cheer! This evening we will have a special presentation for PRESBYTERIANS by George Richardson, Ole Miss alum and former team member of the RCIA.

This religious body is very prominent in our country's history and has more influence than you may be aware of. On campus, they are represented by the Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) as well as being influential in many splinter church groups.
Calvin and Hobbes (oh come on, tell me you get it)

Bring a friend, especially a RUF-er! It happens at THE LIBRARY! We are predestined to begin at 7:00pm and you may elect to stay longer! Click here for directions.

And if you missed last week's talk on Baptists, clicky clicky!