In the flurry of posts re: Archbishop Chaput being named archbishop of Philly, we completely neglected one other piece of bishop-naming with much more of a Southern impact: Today, in addition to the aforementioned appointment of Archbishop Chaput, Pope Benedict also accepted the resignation of Bishop Kevin Boland of Savannah, Georgia and appointed Father Gregory Hartmayer as the new bishop of that diocese.
Interestingly, both Archbishop Chaput and bishop-elect Hartmayer are Franciscans, though they are in different branches of the order. Chaput is a Capuchin Franciscan while Hartmayer is a Conventual Franciscan. The difference between the two branches is nominal and can be traced to splits within the followers of St. Francis through the centuries.
The Diocese of Savannah is one of two Catholic dioceses in Georgia (the other is the Archdiocese of Atlanta). It covers roughly the southern half of the state and is comprised of 54 parishes and 25 missions, with about 75,000 Catholics. (thanks Wikipedia!) Until this morning's announcement, Fr. Hartmayer served as pastor of St. John Vianney parish in Little Springs, Ga.