
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adoration tonight...

For us Catholics, Easter is not just a day - it is a season! We have fifty full days (seven weeks) of Easter, commonly called Eastertide and culminating with Pentecost. But the first eight days after Easter Sunday (called the Octave of Easter, from the Latin word for eight) are the most important of the entire season. Every day during the Octave is treated like a mini-Easter. At the daily Masses of the Octave, the Gloria is sung or said, just like on Sunday. This is truly a joyful time in the Church, which is why we make generous use of the word "Alleluia" in our hymns and our praise during this time of year.

There are many ways that we can celebrate the Easter season. We can attempt to live out our Easter joy by serving our friends and neighbors with charity and humility. We can joyfully be more giving than usual. We can make an extra effort to invite our friends to church with us on Sundays to share in this joyful season. And we can make an extra effort to stop by the church at some point in our busy day to spend some time before Christ in the tabernacle. And don't forget about Adoration tonight.

What better way to honor our Risen Lord than to spend some time with him in prayer and adoration? You can do just that tonight, from 7:15-8:30pm at St. John's.