
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Living out the Beatitudes...

This year's Diocesan College Student Retreat (which every student reading this should definitely make plans to attend!) will highlight Jesus' famous teachings known as the Beatitudes.

"Blessed are you who are poor," taught Christ, "for yours is the Kingdom of heaven." Who else are "blessed"? "The weeping" says Christ. They will laugh. "The hungry," he says, "will be satisfied." And the persecuted followers of the Son of Man. "Rejoice..." he says, your reward is great in heaven. (See Luke 6:20-26).

The beatitudes remind us that Christianity must be seen in the context of the others. Our relationship with Christ cannot be a "me and Jesus" mentality - we cannot separate ourselves or our call to love and serve, from that of the wider community. To love and serve Jesus means to love and serve all.

More Than a Meal provides a wonderfully simple way to do just that: love and serve. Each Tuesday, a free community meal is offered at the Stone Center in Oxford. The meals are sponsored by local churches who provide food and volunteers to serve and, more importantly, eat and fellowship with those in our community who are without. Volunteers are always needed and February is the month that St. John's provides the food and volunteers.

Please consider volunteering for this wonderful expression of Christ's love. For more information, you can email Lee Lee Desler at