
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

On the liturgical reform...

There was a good video recently posted by Catholic News Service (CNS) - the official news agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). It's a quick but informative interview with Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, on the liturgical reforms post-Vatican II (i.e. the changes in the Mass), on the "why," as well as a hint or two at what might be yet to come.

Money quote on the loss of reverence in the Mass:

"The missal of Paul VI [i.e. the "newer" form of the Mass] does not presume any less reverence at all than the Tridentine missal [i.e. the "older" form of the Mass]. We Americans ... have come naturally to think that in the liturgy we want to express ourselves, and if it doesn't feel like us then we don't want to say it. But the whole tradition of liturgy is not primarily expressive of where people are and what they want to say to God. Instead it is impressive; it forms us and it is always bigger than any given community that celebrates."  

Good stuff. Check it out!