
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Good Cheer Tonight: "Science Witnesses the Miracle of Life"

One of the greatest challenges for humanity is the dialogue between science and faith. Throughout the centuries, the empiricism of science and the belief systems of religion have agreed and disagreed with one another.
Dr. Stephen Cutler
In our age of marvelous technology, scientific discovery has led us quickly to draw conclusions about life and our world. Some of the mystery has been taken out of our lives and we now don't have to wonder about certain things. However, that doesn't mean we have to lose the sacred in our lives and diminish the awe we have, especially in the creation of human life.

Tonight, Dr. Stephen Cutler, Chair of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Mississippi Pharmacy School, will present the facts of life from a scientific and faith perspective.

Bring a friend and join us at The Library at 7:00pm. The Library is located just off the Square (120 S. 11th St). Order yourself a cool beverage and grab something to snack on while you enjoy this special evening.