
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Catholic Lists: The Corporal Works of Mercy

If you're the type of person who likes things broken-down and simplified, you'll appreciate what follows: the first installment of "Catholic Lists" - a series of posts which look at Catholic lists.

Through the centuries, catechists (those who teach the Faith) have found much value in relaying important aspects of the Catholic faith in easily-learned groupings and lists. This is the first of a series of posts which present some of the better-known teachings of our Catholic faith, in list form.

Today, we'll look at the Corporal Works of Mercy. They're seven practices of Catholic charity toward our neighbor, aimed at releiving bodily (i.e. corporal) distress. The first six are taken from Jesus' parable of the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-46), the seventh is drawn from the Book of Tobit (Tobit 1:17-19). These are seven practical ways to live out your Catholic faith.
Mother Theresa devoted her life to Corporal Works of Mercy.

1. Feed the hungry.

2. Give drink to the thirsty.

3. Clothe the naked.

4. Shelter the homeless.

5. Visit the sick.

6. Visit the imprisoned.

7. Bury the dead.

Learn them. Live them. Emmulate Christ.